Should I use GitHub and SourceTree?

Hi, in one of the earlier videos (“58. Version Control 101” i think) you told us that you are going to use Git with SourceTree as a front end but we can choose what ever we like (that we shouldn’t switch over if we are already using some other version control). I for example wanted to try Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and used that instead (so i could commit with Visual Studio). Now what i’m interested is this… in VSTS i’m storing repos online anyway (privately), so downloading SorceTree and using it with GitHub (in which i do have an account on) wouldn’t change that much for me. It is however a different story if you have GitHub related stuff in future videos. So i’m asking… should i switch to GitHub/SourceTree or continue with VSTS (i don’t mind either way)?

All personal preference, of course. It’s what works for you. I’m not using VSTS, does it archive the non code elements (such as blueprints and other assets)?
Personally, I use SourceTree and my online git server is BitBucket. They let you have private repos for free, (as well as public), and they have a good wiki section to help you document your code online.

I am unsure if VSTS supports LFS (Large File Storage). You will need this further into the course in your Git Repos.

I am unsure of the status of Git LFS on GitHub, I tried to use it but it looks like the free offering of 1GB is no longer possible… I am sketchy on this so if wrong please correct me. I switched to on premises TFS 2017 server so expedite the problem.

As far as I know, VSTS does support LFS (you have to install Git LFS to use it though).

I’m not 100% sure about the non code elements (though i did see the blueprints in my VSTS folder).

I use Gitlab instead of Github also I use TortoiseGit which provides Windows Explorer Integration so i can just right click Clone, Right CLick Commit and push.

I’ve got experience in TortoiseSVN and this is what I used during course.
I’m thinking of switching into Git.

@danielmarshall (teaching assistant) mentioned in one of qestions that course remaster might be made with GitKraken being used as VCS. You might as well check this one @lenny666

EDIT: My question is: how to do version controll without GitHub ?
Can I set GitKraken to be updating repo which will be hosted on Dropbox or GoogleDrive ?
I’d like to store my .psd files in cloud just in case and to have versions fallback if sth. will go wrong.

Well, Git the main difference in it from SVN is that merging is done locally and the biggest confusion is that When you commit you are committing to local only, you then have to PUSH to the remote.

also the local copy is a FULL copy of the remote repository so if the remote was lost ANYONE with a local copy/fork would have the full history of ALL the commits ever done.

Thank You @theresajayne !
So I need anyway some Git service to push commits there ?
I can’t use like GoogleDrive to store commits there ?

The history thing is very helpfull.

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