Hey all,
I found this cool plugin for to convert a .xcf file with n frames into a sprite sheet of n-grids. It made my life so much easier when trying to convert a frame-based animation (like our GIFs earlier in the course) to a spritesheet for making animations in Unity.
While the original is here ( http://karnbianco.co.uk/blog/2018/04/04/script-gimp-spritesheet-creator/ ) I seemed to always get a bug with his code that I fixed in mine below, so you might like to try both and see what works. I attached my slightly modified file here: create_spritesheet.py.zip (1.6 KB)
If you are using Mac OSX I recomment saving the .py file in the folder “/Applications/GIMP-2.10.app/Contents/Resources/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins” . In GIMP preferences, you can choose your plugin folder in the preferences setting : Preferenences => Folders => Plug-ins, and I recommend just having one, but you should be able to have more than one.