Shooter Prototype

Since finishing the course, I’ve been working on building up the testing grounds. I’ve made the following changes:

Brick walls instead of barriers.
a door that is randomly placed in that wall, so that the exit to every map is in a different position
themed maps, each tile spawns with one of 3 unique themes (two are similar but also very different)
AI that can go up a tower
turrets that are randomly activated
health pickups
a greater variety of assets

-The shooting is a little off. So it doesn’t shoot where the crosshair aims. Thats because of the weapon mesh en the socket location probably.
-Maybe add some UI for “Retry”.
-And killing of the enemys takes a long time, thats also mainly because the firing is off.

The Props on the Environment match and looks cool.
Overall good job.

Thanks. I need to work on the crosshair, that’s just the included one and we never looked at that specifically in the course, so I have to research that a little. If you fire quickly you’ll notice that you actually fire in a completely different spot, that’s due to the animation we set up. The first shot from an idle pose goes to one spot, while rapid firing fires from a different point in the animation and is more in line with the crosshairs (still off a bit). I’m going to see if I can get a crosshair that is tied to the location of the muzzle itself. In the tank game we set it up so that we tried to shoot where our crosshair is pointing, but I don’t think it needs to be that complicated in this one.

I’ve added a new crosshair from this pack, which I recommend people check out if they need some nice dynamic crosshairs, and it did fix the issue during the rapid fire, but I’ll show a couple images here, during rapid fire, the bullets fly right at the cross hair, when they are idle, it shoots a little low.

I’m going to look and see if it’s possible to get the crosshair to float a little inline with the animation itself.

Just an update: I’ve added a new crosshair and aim, and added a few extra features, exploding barrels, tanks that can fire, more AI and variety of colors.

5300 points! :smiley: fun to play. Good job

Thanks for checking it out. I’m just pushing the V0.08 Update right now which adds performance improvements. I’ve changed the spawn system to one that sort of streams the assets in in stages rather than attempts to spawn them all at once. This smooths out the tile spawning, and it needs a little more tweaking, but the big freezes no longer happen. I hope some other people will try it out and let me know what they think!

Put out some nice updates in the last couple weeks. Yesterday I added a mission system with a cinematic intro that will play on some levels. I added melee attack enemies, new weapon, and quite a bit of fun stuff :slight_smile: My favorite screen shot

Been awhile since I posted an update here, the last month has seen so much added

Performance boosts (at least 60% 80% in some areas)

new enemies, fog, upgrade system, another elimination target, ultimate ability, a lot of bug fixes, tweaks, balances, sounds, etc. totally about 9 new versions since the last post. So I’m always looking for more feedback :slight_smile:

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