Ship distortion at screen corners

Hi guys, so recently I have been trying to get my Argon Assault game to get to the 3 minute point (previously it was only 30 seconds because my map was quite small) and I have scaled my ship down to 0.08 to attempt this. However, I have realized that it doesn’t seem very fast when the ship moves along, so I have tried to increase the FOV in order to emulate speed. Unfortunately, the ship gets all distorted at corners, like this. Is there a known fix for this problem? (It works fine at lower FOVs like 30, but this is at 100)

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I can’t help with the ship, but I have to say I really like your terrain!

Hi Daniel,

Welcome back to our forum! :slight_smile:

There is no fix for this problem because the FOV simulates the real world. Have you ever used a camera with different lenses? If so, you know this effect.

What you could do is to set the FOV value to 30 and move the camera closer to the spaceship.

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Thanks, I’ve spent a lot of time on it!

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Ok, thanks!

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