Sharper edges, Armature and Arms (Mirror Modifier challenge)

I applied the subdivision modifier (don’t remember why) before doing the “Creating Sharper Edges” challenge, and because of that I only applied what was lectured in the lesson on the stem.

For the I copied what was on the lesson, because I was a bit afraid of not managing to make more advanced arms than what I can achieve right now with my skill level. :sweat_smile:

Sharper edges:

Armature and arms (mirror modifier):


Making progress.

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Your base will be rigged as an object.
Then it doesn’t matter how you manage your models mesh (edge loops etc).
Your arms will be individual objects too.

Base connected to a bone.
Arm ‘A’ connected to a bone.
Arm ‘B’ connected to a bone.
Lamp shade connected to a bone.

The bones will be connected to other bones and therefor to the objects.

  • make shure objects have scale ‘1’
  • Origin to mass center

It’s been slow progress, but it’s progress nevertheless. Thanks. :grinning:

Thank you for advice. I was worried about the overall quality of the model and how it will look on the final animation.

I know that that isn’t the main objective of this lesson, but I see projects of other students and I want to try to match the overall and, also, try to follow as closely the lessons that are being taught.

And sorry for the late response (again), but personal stuff are taking too much of my time…


Some of use, do challenges for the second time!
Or have already some knowledge of 3D and want to sharpen their skills.
None the less, you can be inspired and try to do better.
It’s all about practice! Apply knowledge and learn new.


You’re right. I need to change my approach on how to tackle these lessons, practice more, and focus on my own progress, instead of comparing to others.

I’m sorry if I did sound a bit annoying. Sometimes, my low self-esteem doesn’t help…

And, thank you for your words. :+1:

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To me, it’s very recognizable.
I had the same thoughts and feelings as you have.
Like “How do they do that”, “Why is my lighting so bad”, "I want high poly, but my computer can’t " …

Just follow the lessons, try to apply what they teach you. Do it a second time, but from memory.
Like the pyramid. Can you do it in 10minutes, without using the tutorial? Make notes, try to understand how more experienced users follow a process.

Show us your progress, ask questions. Try to apply the knowledge you have and work from that ‘save’ point. Do test runs in between to see if everything is working.
If you do destructive actions, delete, applu etc. Save your file to a backup, or new version number.

project name - ## - state.blend

Mousetrap - 01 - Block model.blend

Mousetrap - 07 - Sculpt mouse.blend
Mousetrap - 08 - Applied booleans.blend


Thank you for your advice. And you’re absolutely right.

I need to practice more and be more consistent with it. Probably should try do again the challenges of the earlier lessons while progressing with the most recent ones.

Also need to “train” (my mind that is) to watch other students works as a source of inspiration instead of doubting myself because I am comparing myself to others.

Thank you again for taking your time to help me with my struggles and I’m sorry that I sounded very pessimistic. :grinning:

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