Sharing a TileMap of Kenny's Platformer Assets

Hello all,

I was messing around trying to make a clone of Super Mario 1-1 with Kenny’s Deluxe Platformer assets and I spent so much time fiddling around with some of these tiles and collision shapes that I had to share in case anyone else wanted to pop them into their own project and I could save them the effort.

I’m not sure how to pull the TileMap and stuff out of the project so I just zipped up the whole project and uploaded it.


  1. I kept reusing a couple collision shapes so those are saved in resources
  2. Player is on Layer 1, Terrain on Layer 2, and Enemies on Layer 3 (as in Yann’s examples)

I plan to keep this updated as I work through Kenny’s other assets (enemies and such) if there’s enough interest.


Link to Kenny’s Assets:

Link to my Godot Project containing the TileMap(s): (5.0 MB)


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