Share your simple Sandbox

I used the Terra World Asset to create the world and put in some houses.


I figured I’d post a second sandbox pic for the new RPG project I’m working on as I go through this course. With my game being set in a futuristic world and built up city life, I haven’t used a terrain map for the time being, but my sandbox has many obstacles and a few stairs for the MC (the white capsule) to navigate around. The enemies (or npcs) are the yellow capsules in the picture.


That looks really nice!

Very simple design. A small town with paths through it, and patches of trees in rolling hills. Did some organizing of the Hiearchy.

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I kept it simple but enjoyed the painting with low opacity for some more gradiant looks

Small village close to a dense forest

For me, the package looks like this, and when I import it, I cannot see the textures on models… :frowning:

Hello everyone!
Here is mine. I like having a small bit of storytelling or immersive feel to the general scenery. Tell me what you think ;-), positive or even better negative.

Also !! If someone can give me any tips regarding the creation of a smooth path down a mountain or cliff? I was so desperate I reduced terrain height incrementally from top to bottom which is anything but natural.


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Wow this looks like a place I want to visit already!

Looks amazing!

My first sandbox.
Would be interested in what you think.


My small map :slight_smile:

Played around with the terrain brush tools and some free assets.

Trying out this community thing for the first time…

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Hi Linkreincarnate,

I like that the village is sitting in its own spot at the end of the map and is protected by the hills.


Hi there,

wanted to show my first stages of development on my RPG sandbox.
Mostly using free assets from the Unity Asset Store!

This is the first version of my level.

I painted the gound with the brushes, i think it went pretty well.

Added some flowers and bushes.

Early Player without model, looking at a his target.

Because of the camera angle i choose, the area had to be expanded.

Thats when i realized, it is hard to do the same steps for painting the textures
if you have not established a workflow yet.

Extra Shot:

This is how the player looks right now, after making a prefab variant.

Let me know what you think about it.


My little sandbox.

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