Shadows challenge (Treasure Chest)

The brown object was my first attempt at making a chest haha.
As ever, any feedback is greatly appreciated! I had a bit of trouble with the shadows.

Reference image:


You nailed this one out of the park


Thank you!!
Can you provide constructive criticism on my shadows? There’s something about them that doesn’t seem right to me but I can’t tell what it is.

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The light is coming from behind.
The first two, are looking like a plate, a dish.
The last two, don’t follow the box shape.

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I appreciate the response!
What about now?

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The first one, shadow is equal to both sides, and therefore part of the chest. And we don’t see it ’ loose’ from the chest as a shadow.
The last one is better.

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Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah I think what I’ll do is keep this in mind and move on. Then when I have a more complete scene I can pay more attention to my shadows

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