Shade Smooth, Auto Smooth, Auto Smooth with angle increased

Partly, this lesson seems to have been fixing having a Ridge in our Queen’s Crown area. So here’s what I tried…

Shade Smooth only
Shade Smooth only

added Auto Smooth and kept 30 degree Angle
Auto Smooth 30 degrees

changed Angle to 50 degree (higher than that looks odd)
Auto Smotth 50 degrees

I also tried (in Edit Mode), after I selected only the Queen’s Crown area, in Transform/Item/Edge Data:/Crease up to 1.00. but that didn’t seem to do anything.

All of the above still left the Ridges on the outside of the crown area. I don’t mind having those ridges but wondered if there was a way to smooth those?

Which of the above looks best?

Last question…when I go to Rendered view (in Object Mode), I can’t even see my Queen…it’s so dark that it’s blackish. Is that because I don’t have a Material applied?
blacked out Queen in Rendered view


Did you hide the lamp(s)?

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I didn’t hide them…there are none. Noob mistake!


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