"Set Visibility (BP_Torch)" Doesn't exist for me

I’m trying to add the step where the player held torch is destroyed once the torch touches the web.
Currently the web does catch on fire and is destroyed with the torch.

However, when trying to follow-along and destroy the torch itself, the tutorial says to drag off of (in my case) “As BP Laniaa Player” (from the Cast to BP_Laniaa_Player blueprint.

When doing so there is no option for “Set Visibility (BP Torch)” even though BP_Torch does exist in the player blueprint as a component.

This is my BP_Webs blueprint.

This is my BP_Laniaa_Player blueprint.

Just to make sure certain things are working correctly. Can you drag off the “As BP Laniaa Player” pin and type “BP_Torch” in the context menu? If you’re able to get the variable for the Torch, then from there you should be able to get the set visibility node for it.

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Ok, so currently it’s working. I have no explanation other than I had to reboot my computer for windows updates, opened Unreal Engine project again and now all of the components/body parts of my player are showing up now including BP_Torch. Prior to this BP_Torch wasn’t showing up at all.

Maybe some weirdness with Unreal Engine? I typically keep it open days at a time, so I may need to restart it once a day or something.

Sorry for the trouble, but thank you for the reply!

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