Set Movable Error

For those who have this error remember to check the movable box in transform property of the door :slight_smile:

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Thanks, @ben should probably edit this lecture to mention this should be done.

Thank you for this everyone, this edit has been noted. Temporary I cannot edit videos because of a migration to a different piece of editing software, however we will look back to this shortly. Thanks again

Thanks! I was starting to get confused as to why my door wasn’t opening

Just to let you all know I’ve patched this video now, by inserting an explanation as to how and why to set “Movable”. This insert is from 5:12 - 5:26, and will be ready when the video finishes processing.


How come your door does move though? In the video it looks like it is still set to static and it still works.

How can this be explained?

This could be an editing error, we don’t do much editing but this could have slipped through.

Yeah no problem :slight_smile:
It’s still explained nicely what needs to be done and why.

Thanks a lot ben it causes we always check your website to find soloution.

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