Set default focus not working

it doesn’t focus on the player

Have you debugged this to see what’s going on?

Yes it runs the other code in the sequence but not the set default focus

Could you describe what you’re getting instead? Also which lecture are you on?

The AI is just looking forward and not rotating towards me, I am on lecture 245

Are you able to demonstrate that at all? Because I note that Sam’s project at that state doesn’t really rotate, there’s a split second time window where it can. This should be fixed up later.

ok I will carry on with the lectures and see if its fixed

I am having the same problem right now. It runs fine it just doesn’t want to rotate. Did you solve it yet?

I am still watching the lectures nearly finished but no, not yet

Too bad, I finished the Course already, hoping it would be addressed. But sadly it wasn’t

I think it may be that our focus is set to something else thats higher up in the heirarchy

Sam changes the focus to the Player at some point, you still have yours at PlayerLocation. Focusing on an actor instead of a vector should give you rotation.

So make a new balcboard key? What type would that be?

You should just change it to be an Actor

And same with the code for setting it in the service. Did you miss these lectures that went over this?

Edit: Whoops, thought you were MantiCore who said they finished the course.

I changed it to an actor but I got the same result.

I can’t find anything in the code either.

And you’re sure you are using the right key in the behaviour tree?

I just tested Sam’s project. It’s working correctly when using actor as the type and then snapping when using vector.

What lecture is this on?

I redid the entire tree, but I still got the same result

Can you show us sams behavior tre please


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