Okay, so this may well get covered later - and I expect there is a technical explanation that is yet to become clear in the context of the course, but in parallel to my studies here, when I look at Youtube tutorials on Unity - I’ve never seen anyone talk about using [SerializeField] for getting a setting to be available in the inspector. I believe they just declare a Public variable and it does what appears to be the same thing.
Is this bad/lazy practice, or is that something you learn how to manipulate better over time once you understand more about Public uses in general.
I did find one tutorial that advocated the SerialzeField method above the Public variable method because it limits what can access the variable to just the script where it originates. Does this mean that if I see a Youtuber utilizing the public variable method - and they are not intending to reference that variable from elsewhere, they’re committing some kind of coding sin? And if so, what are the inherent risks? That you could accidentally call it inadvertently from another script without realizing and generating odd behaviors, or errors that are hard to debug?
Quick Update Edit;
The notes for this lecture give a link to the use of Range on the Unity documentation videos. That video exclusively gives the technique in the context of using a public variable! I can’t help thinking this is just a bit confusing for a newbie like myself, giving an explanation of how something works, in the context of something we haven’t yet covered!