Thanks for your answer. I think you clarified some things for me.
This is helpful. I thought it was the other way around. But that is probably multiple texture maps and not texture space I’m thinking about. Like if you have a multitude of cases like this on a large model and all of the extra faces that are not cut away add to the texture space and forces you to add another texture map to retain quality, it would be better to cut them away. But idk, for texture space too, if all the extra faces that are not cut away take more texture space, it also means less texture resolution for the whole UV map. Maybe it doesn’t make that big of a difference.
For the loops, they are slightly extruded. I thought it would be easier to drag and drop the textures onto the mesh if it was separated, but I suppose it’s pretty easy to mask them out. So now when you say it, I might be better off just having the loops merged to the boiler so that SP can calculate AO, dirt, grunge, etc. where the edges meet if I wanted that, and so I don’t have two loops of vertices lying ontop of each other. Would I need a very small rounded bevel between the boiler and the loops for SP to manage that or could it be a straight extrude?
I think this is a main thing I was wondering about, if the cuts would interfer with the texturing process. I would keep the boiler without the cuts in that case. Unless I merge the cut edges with the extruded loops that is.
Yes I’m aware of this.
There is one more thing I should explain. My whole locomotive is made low poly but is subdivisible. So I want to do two things, have a sick 4k realistic render of the scene, but then also be able export it to a game engine in its low poly unsubdivided version with high poly textures baked on it.
Anyways, I think I have a pretty good idea on how to move forward now. Appreciate the time you put into explaining your understanding.
I tried to cover most things you were talking about.