Semi High poly knight

After hours of trial and error I managed to get the body sort of right…just to realise my bases geometry or something is off XD I’ll probably start a new one tomorrow…practice makes perfect in the end



Hours well spent. Very recognizable as a horse. What is wrong with the base? If it is those artifacts you\re talking about, there might be a duplicate or old version of the base that is coming through. Maybe you forgot to hide it from renders.


Nice knight design. Time well spent. Looks exactly like a horse. Looks great in my opinion.
If the artifacts in the base is you are talking about, like Gordon said, it looks like a duplicate or extra faces. Check your Outliner and make sure there is nothing you forgot to turn off in the render or if there is a duplicate or something.

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Very nice stylish HP knight.

Agree with the others it looks most like double geometry on the base. Check normals as well.

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Thanks guys! Will definitely have a look at that tonight

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I really like the horse. I like the combination of the smooth look with the sharp edges.


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