Selecting a Collection in Outliner

I’m using 2.83. Clicking on a collection folder does not select any of the contents for me (as in the lesson). I can select any individual item of course, or use shift and or control to select a portion of them. To select all items I need to click on the collection folder, them right click to open a context menu and slick ‘Select Objects’. I also had a few materials problems because I used linked duplication (alt + d) when I should have used shift + d. I found it easier to keep my workflow in order by completing all operations on the whites and then re-appending the pieces again to do the blacks. It gave me confidence there were no unseen dependencies.


i also have the same problem, if you’re selecting the collection in displaying scene, it will not select objects inside of colleciton. I’m using blender 2.91

Right the collection in the outliner, choose ‘select objects’.

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