Select and delete Edge

why i can not delete only selects Edge?

Before select edge.
after select and delete

in tutorial Learn
Help me Thank you!


Not sure what you mean?

If you have a square face, it has one face, four vertices, and 4 edges.

If you delete an edge (loop) the relation between two vertices changes and therefore also the face, Which is gone, like the deleted edge.

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It is a little difficult for us to understand the problem.
Perhaps you selected more than you intended?
Deleting one edge can and will remove a face it was part of.

You have for example deleted the edge right at the bottom of the stairway ramp, that was holding the underside middle face. So the face was gone too.
I believe Mikey had also made the sloping face before deleting the top edges only to end up in the final image you show.

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