Seeking Feedback on My First Game: Navigating from A to B Through Obstacles

Hi everyone!

I’m excited to share a photo of my first simple game! :tada: The game is full of obstacles, and the aim is to navigate from point A to point B. I’d love to get your feedback and hear any suggestions on what I can do to improve it as I continue my game development journey.

Thank you in advance for your reviews and ideas!

Shrikant Rathod

Good job, Shrikant! Your level looks exciting. :slight_smile:

My only advice is: Know your target group well.

As for me, I’m a really bad player. If your screenshot shows level 1, your game would be way too difficult for people like me. I would probably lose afer 2-3 seconds. Such a level would be a great level for players who are very good at games like these, and who do not need to practice. A solution for this problem could be:

  • Your game is difficult on purpose. In that case, ‘bad players’ are not your target group and therefore not your problem.
  • You could start with a rather simple level 1, and gradually increase the difficulty of the subsequent levels. That would allow ‘bad players’ to become familiar with your game, to practice, and to win at least a few levels.
  • You could make separate levels that allow players to practice before they try out the actual levels.

I hope this helped a bit. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

By the way, I moved your thread to the Show subforum because that’s the place where you can share your game, screenshots, and ask for general advice and/or opinions. The Ask subforum is mainly used for specific solutions that have an actual solution. In the case of your screenshot, there is no solution because there is no problem. I hope this makes sense. :slight_smile:

Hi Nina,

Thank you so much for your feedback and the encouragement! I really appreciate your detailed advice and suggestions.

I understand your point about knowing my target group well. It’s valuable to hear that the initial level might be too challenging for less experienced players. I want my game to be enjoyable for a wide range of players, so I’ll definitely consider your suggestions:

  1. Adjusting the difficulty curve : I’ll make the first level simpler and gradually increase the difficulty to allow players to become familiar with the game mechanics and improve their skills.
  2. Creating practice levels : I’ll incorporate practice levels that help players get the hang of the game before they dive into the more challenging levels.

Thank you also for moving my thread to the appropriate subforum and clarifying its purpose. Your insights have been very helpful, and I’m excited to make these adjustments to improve my game.

Thanks again for your support!

Best regards, Shrikant

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