Seeking Advice: Crafting System and Forging Skill

Hey everyone,

I’m currently working on a game and I’d love to get some advice on implementing a crafting system with a forging skill upgrade mechanic. Here’s what I have in mind:

Crafting System Overview: In the game, players can craft items and by upgrading their forging skill, which directly impacts their chances of crafting higher-rated items.

Forging Skill Mechanics:

Gradual Improvement: As players level up their forging skill, they gradually increase their chances of crafting rare, extraordinary, and perfect items.
Example Progression:

Level 1:
* Poor = 85%
* Common = 10%
* Uncommon = 5%
* Rare = 0%
* Extraordinary = 0%
* Perfection = 0%

Level 50:
* Poor = 0%
* Common = 0%
* Uncommon = 0%
* Rare = 15%
* Extraordinary = 35%
* Perfection = 50%

Player Investment: This system allows players to strategically invest in their forging skill to improve their chances of crafting better items as they progress through the game.

I’d appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to implement and balance this mechanic effectively. How would you approach implementing such a system? Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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