Just as a heads up, the format of [section number]-[section name] within the Unity 2D category for the sub-categories is getting a little mixed up, and not following any specific formatting. Not sure if this is intentional or not.
- s01-unity-intro (lower-cased “S” and hyphenated for some reason)
- S02-numberwizard
- S03-text101
- S04-numberwizardui
- S05-blockerbreaker
- S06-laserdefender
- S07-glitchgarden
- S08-bowlmaster
- S09-zombierunner
- S10-twinsticks
- S11-ahoymatey
- SXX-next-steps (for some reason this one was hyphenated)
- s1-intro-new (“s01” ?)
- number-wizard-new (no section identifier, hyphenated)
- s03-text101 (back to the original format, but with the lowercase “S”)
- number-wizard-ui-new (no section identifier, hypenated)
Most of the other courses appear to lower-case the “S” in the section number identifier, whether hyphens are used to separate the words appears to be a little mixed. Earlier sections appear to not apply them, later ones seem to have introduced them, but this is a little sporadic depending on which course you look at.
The ones which appear to follow a standard are;
- Blender
- Board Games
- Characters
- Finish It!
- Godot
- Unity RPG
- Unreal Multiplayer
- Unreal VR
So that leaves;
- Gimp
- Unity 2D
- Unity 3D
- Unity Cert
- Unreal
which look somewhat muddled.
Perhaps the naming standards originally adopted are no longer required but I thought it worth mentioning whilst these changes are in their infancy and can perhaps be changed/corrected before it becomes too much to change if needed. I was under the impression that some of it was relevant/mattered for your automation?
Additionally, it may have an impact on your search result rankings, e.g. word separation.
Also, see the previous topic with regards to concerns over the addition of the word “new”. Having this in the forum slug seems a bit wrong.
See also;
- SEO Mechanic : SEO101 : Hyphens vs Underscores in URLs