Section 8 Lecture 242 The Final Head :)


here is my final result of the Human Head Section :slight_smile:
It´s still not perfect, but I´m really proud.
I started about 6 weeks ago without any knowledge or skills in Blender and now I feel like I could make everything^^
Thx @Michael_Bridges you are a really great teacher.


Really nice work! I like the hair.
Well done. I think it was a lot of work.

Very nice job. I too am impressed by the hair, looks so much better than what I ended up with.

Thx :slight_smile:

yes, it was a lot of work, but practice creates masters^^
The hair, even if I´m stisfied … they are mostly a product of coincidence.

I tried a few things and this was the result … but i can give a few hints how i did it.
First I tried to create the hairs like in fluffy bunny section, but there have been way to much hair to control them all, so I tried to use a small number of hairs (50) and gave them lots of children (300). I increased the deflect emitter in the particle edit a lot, else the children would have gone through the head. Finally I increased the render steps to 10 to make the hair smooth and choose in the particle menu -> kinks -> Wave with a frequency of 8 … and thats the result :wink:


I’ll have to try some of that, I’m struggling with my hair. You’re is great!

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