Section 7 lecture 185

Alright so I remade the whole scene because it was very laggy compared to my new scene. I created a house with tons less shapes in it. Unfortunately my pngs gain some serious data consumption.
None Portal


hmmm I hope I did it correctly.

The yellow doted lines are suppose to be pointing down if that is correct? I did try to rotate them in any axis, but the only thing rotating was the white dote line pointing inside the window.

Did you mean portals correct?
Im not sure, but i saw one tutorilal where explanation how it works,

for example room -> add light -> tick portal -> scale that light by fitting window, it looks like plane - but lightsource
faster render
less firefly

honestly i think its depends on the purpose
here screen


Thank you. I am pretty sure I did this incorrectly. That or I think I may have to many open spaces. I am going to try to replicate what Michael did again and see how come I could not rotate the yellow doted line similar to the video or how Michael did it. Or how you did it as well. :smiley:

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