Section 7 concluded

Well, this is so different from the proposals suggested in the course… still, what I learned in this section was extremely useful for my personal goals, namely, building a bridge between 3d modeling and video editing for animation purposes.

This was such a great opportunity to learn about proper workflow, texturing, painting, coloring, setting up a scene, and so much more… I am certainly not the best student… but I am enjoying every step of the process, I have consistently learning valuable content and having lots of fun at the same time, so… I wish to thank Mike and Ben personally for the excellent job.

Here are some snapshots of the work I have been doing on my project.

Cheers y’all… and B haPPy.


Nice scene! I don’t think you have to adhere to the challenges unless you wish to. I think it is all about just using what you learn to create something, which you have created nicely! :slight_smile:

I like your project!

Years ago I had the same idea for this ship Kamper Kogge, Dutch site.

I’m not involved anymore in this project, but with my new skills, it’s inviting… Well done.

Thanks, Morgaine… I still haven’t got the textures right and I am still miles away from what I really want but with time and patience I’ll get there. Section 8 is great to learn a bit more about textures and light so this is a work in progress…

Cheers :smile:

Hi there, Fed…

thanks for the support… both Portuguese and Dutch have this attraction towards the sea, right? In my case this is a study to animate a play written by Gil Vicente, a Portuguese playwright of the XVI century and the two boats refer to the boats of the Devil and the Angel.

So, if you ever feel a passion for that project, why not giving it another go?

Cheers, mate.

It looks a little bit like a low poly game scene. great work!

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