Section 5 - Lamp animation

My lamp animation so far.

For the power chord I used a spline, converted it to a mesh and added an IK chain to the first part to follow the jump animation.
For the bloom effect on the phone display I added a glare node to the compositor (after googling for a while to find out how to do it).
The animation could have used a little more buildup in the into, but I’ll change that next. I didn’t want to wait another hour and a half of rendering :slight_smile:

For the scuff marks on the base I tried mixing a noise texture to break them a bit and make them less uniform. I am not completely satisfied with the result, but I am far from an expert when it comes to the shader editor yet, so I might revisit it in the future.


Very nicely done, who is the lamp trying to phone!?

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An other solution would be to use a shape key on the bezier curve for the cord.

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I didn’t think of that. Great suggestion, thanks

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