Section 4 Lecture 76

Here is my Chessboard :relieved: I think I will iluminate it a little more :sweat_smile:

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Here is my first go at lighting in Blender! :smile: I went with an area light with a Hemi and an Area Light with a tiny bit of warmth and with a slightly purple shadow :slight_smile: Can’t wait to get the hang of lighting for real!

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I went with two spots above and slightly behind the board and an area light with a light blue tint for ambiance. I like the way it turned out.

Just some basic lighting for now… I will tweak it when the rest of the board will be populated.

Hemi Lamp and Sun with shadow

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I used 4 spotlights like a stadium

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Some subtle lighting with a shadowless Sun and an angled spot

Just experimenting with a spot light with halo and an area light.


Went a bit overkill with the lights…in fact i might not even need that much to get the effect i saw that looked good! but i thought overall it ended up nice

Ooh that’s cool! Looks foggy.


Made a lil disco scene for the lighting

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Light Testing

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