Section 3, Lecture 68 - Door issue, both doors not opening up

This is a duplicate of a post on Udemy too, just an fyi.

Hi, I am at Section 3, Lecture 68 and have a problem with the multiple doors opening up, right now only the last created or set up door will open, so if I have door 1 and door 2, only door 2 will trigger. If I delete door 1 and duplicate door 2 into door 3, then only door 3 will open up, it’s like the trigger only wants to trigger one time on one object. I have the trigger plugged in as Pressure Plate correctly in both instances of the doors, but to no avail. Any idea on where to look to correct this?

Basically I skipped ahead earlier in the lecture and added a pointer to the Owner of the door, but I put that declaration in the .cpp file as a global, and not the .h file where it should be, so there was really no instances of the 3 doors for that variable and it was just pointed to the last door that was created.

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