Section 3 - Bowling Animation

Edit: Reuploaded the video with tweaks to the animation, I made it smoother so you can get the idea that it was actually a bowling ball and not Sonic the Hedgehog knocking over the pins.

If anyone has any suggestions for a relatively cheap but well-performing video card that make rendering less of a headache, by all means, please provide suggestions, because I have been doing my own research, but am unable to come to a good conclusion myself. For context, I have an RX480, which seems to be woefully out-of-date and underpowered for what I intend to do. Iā€™m aware that current trends have led to prices being higher than usual for GPUs.


Nice smash animation. Perhaps a bit fast?

I have no idea about cards I presume an older computer can only take up to certain levels more modern ones? The price gouging has stopped my plans for a new machine, still be a new generation of cards out next year now! lol Just as unavailable.

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lovely - well done you xxxjess

Eevee is also an option!

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