Section 3 Blender Environment - Spooky Corridor

Finally got time between Uni modules to work on a course, just finished the Spooky Corridor section of the Environment Course. Added a small addition of green hazardous Goo from a fallen barrel, created with a quick paint sketch of a blob and applied it to a plane, and in the Shading workspace, used an RGB node, Distance node and plugged it into a Mix Shader, along with a Transparent BSDF to remove the white sections from the plane, keeping only the green blob

Edit: Added new render after suggestions from NP5 & NumbNong


Good work on the Goo. Might be an idea to brighten the image a fraction so it is more visible, it was quite hard to find!

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Fantasy is usually better than reality so give it some light emission after all it’s radioactive waste.

Don’t quite understand what you have done with material but feel you may have overthought it?

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After reading this I noticed it was darker than I thought, had my Monitor set to really overtuned settings for some of my games, turned it back to standard and I could barely see anything


I was almost certainly overthinking it, could’ve just made a transparent background (realised at the trees section), it’s how I work, but this is how the shader turned out to get the desired effect.

After reading yours and NP5’s comments I’ve made some adjustments and the glow really makes the scene pop more, thanks for the suggestion, edited the post to add the new render to the topic too :grinning:


Certainly can see the green goo now and the emissive light adds to the eeriness of the scene.


These look great. I think I prefer the one without the green goo. It seems more foreboding.


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