Section 21 _ The Wedge Challenge: Methods I used (For your suggestions)

I have gone for the Wedge with Edge Select tool. These are the steps I had taken.

Step 1 - (A) G + Z 1

Step 2 - G + Y 1

Step 3 - 2 (Edge Select Mode) + G + Y 2

Step 4 - 2 (Edge Select Mode) + G + Z - 2

Step 5 - 2 (Edge Select Mode) + X + Dissolve Edge (Bottom Surface)

Step - 6 The Wireframe Mode - Checked for all 6 Vertices

Final Wedge - Bottom View

Final Wedge - Side View (Num 3)

Final Wedge - Top View

Looking forward for your suggestions.




All worked out fine to the end result. Along with a good image series explanation.

Alternative. Select top edge and with auto merge on, GG slide to the base, (The verts auto merge) then G grab and pull out to the longer wedge length.

Lots of ways in Blender.

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Thank you so much for your advice.

It worked like a breeze. Saved Step 5.

I did keep the Auto Merge on. Selected Z and Y Edges. G+Y 2.

Anything I am missing yet? Please guide.

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No its fine you have clearly understood the principles of the challenge. On to the next one!

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Thank you very very much.

Will be eagerly awaiting your response on the next one.

Over to the course.

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