Section 2 mid section challenge : Kampung House

Hello just did my mid section challenge recently and thought i’d show it off
nothing special but im making progress in learning blender


Hi, and welcome.
Always show your work.
We all are studying and trying to improve.
You did a great job, using basic Blender objects.
The lighting is good!


Looks a fine style of house from basic shapes.
Welcome to this site.

Good one…

Great job!
I like the color palette

Looks good. I hope you continue to show your work.

Welcome to the community. I like that you keep everything to the scale. Its important factor that we don’t always perceive.

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i thank the people who encourage me i will work hard


That’s really good! Nicely done!

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This reminds me of John’s home in Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2.

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