Section 2 Lesson 180: Extra Challenge

For the “2 piece in 1” challenge I made a wooden hammer that’s always in my mother’s kitchen, but was never used. So of course due to that I never knew it’s purpose.

For the spikes I first created a flat square (plane) then extrude one of the corner vertices; type 1 x axis, 1 y, then 1 z to center it making a symmetrical pyramid. Then using the Array Modifier to multiply 4 by 4. From there, I extrude the sides, use the Knife Tool (press:k in Edit Mode) to even the edge loops, then added a cylinder as another object before editing it and joining the two objects.

Question though, does a complete model have to faces ALL to be Squares aka 4-faced vertices/Tris aka 3-faced vertices and nothing more when rendering or adding to game-engine softwares?

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