Couldn’t wait to get some ASCII art in for the title screen. Looking forward to polishing this game up and moving in to Unreal!
Yeah, if you did that, i must bow to your ASCII superiority…
Nothing more than a couple of minutes on Paint and then running the image through a site like this haha!
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I’ll be taking that link off your hands, thank you.
I went about this a different way because the code is tighter. The only part that is different is the SubmitValidGuess.
Will I run into trouble with this?
for (int32 MHWChar = 0; MHWChar < WordLength; MHWChar++) {
// compare letters against the guess
for (int32 GChar = 0; GChar < WordLength; GChar++) {
// if they match then
if (Guess[GChar] == MyHiddenWord[MHWChar]) {
if (MHWChar == GChar) {
// increment bulls if in the same place
else {
// increment cows if not
if (Guess == MyHiddenWord) {
bGameIsWon = true;
return BullCowCount;
I don’t think it will but hopefully someone can tell me if it will.
Hi, I didn’t wanted to change the condition in the while, so I decided to create an IF statement with a break to leave the do while loop.
void FBullCowGame::Playgame()
do {
CurrentTries++;FBullCowCount CurCount = GetCowsandBulls(Getinputfromplayer()); std::cout << "Cows: " << CurCount.cowcount << "\n"; std::cout << "Bulls: " << bullsum << "\n"; if (isgamewon(CurCount)) { std::cout << "You've won \n"; break; }
} while ( CurrentTries <= MaxTries );