Section 2 Final - Mayan Pyramid with torches

Not as advanced as many other posts here, but I had fun adding roughly 20+ light sources and using 2 concatenated array-modifiers to create a “2D-Grid” of torches - yes this is only one single torch object.


Don’t worry about being advanced, the important point is that you’re having fun and trying new things. Great looking pyramid, the light emitting from inside looks great!

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Dude !!Your pyramid looks awesome.Love the different types of lighting in the scene and the shadows.The light emitting from the inside and the top looks great.
And Dude!Don’t worry about being advanced.Follow through the course.Do its exercises.And most of all have fun with blender.Experiment with different things in it.Explore it as you see fit.Let your imagination take over.You will learn a lot if you have fun.And I am pretty sure the course covers every basic thing you want to create something advanced.
Its a pretty awesome course.
And don’t compare yourself to others.You are unique in your own ways.Look through the works of others and you can recreate them in your own ways if you want.
And don’t worry,looking at your work, I am pretty sure YOU ARE advanced.

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