Section 2, Alchymist room

Hi friends. I have spend two days with playing with Blender and this is a result. What do you think abou that?
Thank you very much.


Very nice and interesting if I do say so. How did you get that detail on the lamp pole? It looks like it could be wax running down. I don’t know how to do that yet, but it gave me an idea.

Thank you Cyndi.
I used combination of Lamp: Point, Sun, Hemi and Area. Each ball is with Point and Area lamps. The red book is with area light. I putted one Point Light above the characters. One Hemi light is behind the characters, but without shadows and finally I used one Sun light in Open Window.

Very nice

Thank you. And what about your idea? How do you want to use it?

I have been building a house and it gave me some ideas on how to get the lighting better. I usually just stick in a lamp. I really like the detail that looks like dripping wax.

When you have it done, show me, please, how it looks like.

Ok, it will be awhile. I love building but I am not as good as you are.

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