Section 1 Wrap-Up Render

Final render after completing section one!

Please comment on what to add, or any feedback. It will be much appreciated!!
I see it all as ways of improving :))


Welcome to the community.
Nice work.Looks amazing.
Love the color of the roof tiles. And the stone pavement on the ground looks cool!
Nice lighting too.

Here are my few little ideas!You can use them if you want.(Not necessary though.)

  • The base of some of your trees are above the ground.Bring them down a little.You can shade smooth the trees if you want(But if you are going for the low poly shaded flat look its more than fine you know.).
    Put a light inside the house model,so that light will come out through the windows.(Yellow colored light inside will look amazing. )
    Put a little smoke on top of the house in a way that it looks like coming out through the chimney.(You can make the smoke by scaling down the tree tops and coloring it nearly black.)
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Very nice indeed. The only suggestion I would add to those @ChrisSGCP mentioned, is I would alternate the height of the trees. IOW, have some a bit shorter, and some a bit higher. I think it’s hard to imagine a whole lot of trees being the exact same height everywhere.


Thanks alot! For both the comment but also for the feedback! I will take a look and make some changes to learn even more, thanks a ton i appreciate it!

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I was going to say height variation for the trees, also ad some similar style ground bushes, plants.

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