Section 1 Lesson 8, Chalenge: The Acrobat Cubes!

Greetings, everybody!

So, this is my first post and the result of my attempt at completing the challenge:

And the blend file, if anybody is curious about it.

ChalengeS1L8.blend (558.8 KB)

So I’ve attempted to mess around with key frames and the three basic types of transformation (translation, rotation and scaling), though I think I’ve succeeded in doing so, the animation itself is flawed both in the smoothness of the deformations, the acceleration of the objects and the interaction between the cubes (specially around frame 40). I’m no stranger to blender, but the application of fundamental concepts of animation (though I’ve researched a bit about it before starting the course) still eludes me.

I hope anybody ca learn a bit from what I’ve made, and to hear some thoughts on this attempt.

I’d suggest a lesson on how to create mp4 videos from a blender project and how to post them here.

Sorry about any gramatical and syntactical errors, btw. I am a Brazilian and English isn’t my natural language


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