Section 1 Lesson 15 Challenge - A cabin by the woods

Made a forest scene with a cabin and a campfire. I used basic primitives for most things, but used some box modeling with proportional editing for the campfire. The fog is done using Volume Scatter global parameter. This meant that I had to render using a CPU since Blender just wouldn’t play nice with my GPU while the fog was enabled and I was getting horrible noise and fireflys. The path was made using a particle system from a quickly modeled rock. Any critiques welcome!


Just loving it !

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Thank you!

Do you have any criticisms about the scene? I’m all ears

Yeah, a lot of ideas. But the scene as is, not much to add. Other then adding complexity, like adding people. Why else camp fire?

3D is not only rendering, but also story telling. Where to look at, guiding the viewer to a part of the screen. So that’s why I like your composition.

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Ahh I see
I was just asking because I have this itch that something is missing or something is wrong, but I’ll try adding in some people when I’ve gained more experience with blender

Thanks again for your kind comments!

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