Section 1, Lesson 14 Challenge. Western saloon


Googled some western styled saloons for inspiration and tried to do a night scene of a low poly saloon. Took way longer than I thought and I feel like I could tweak it forever and still not be satisfied.


wow, it is awesome, congratulations. You could put a light pole in the outside to play a little with shadowing but it looks great :ok_hand:

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Hard to see those trees and a lot of other detail but I know it’s there. The lit window is a nice touch.

You sure put a lot of time into this and it looks great! At least the parts I can see.

Maybe you can include an Eevee version to properly show off everything.

Thank you for the kind words! Not a bad idea, might do that if I keep working on it!

Thanks gameangel! The truth is the trees are really simple and have almost no details so thats why I elected to kind of hide them away hah. Was more to make the scene a little more ‘busy’ and less empty.

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