Section 1- Lesson 13- Problem with controlling shadows

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I am recently learning Blender and it is new to me. the version I am using now is 4.2.3 LTS so the options I can work with is different than what is shown in the video. I can not control the shadows the way the instructor shows. can you please help me with this?
on more thing, I have accidentally deleted the original light during the first lessons and in this lesson 13, I added a point light but it sees ineffective no matter how I raise it’s watt (luminosity). I would be grateful if you could guide me on this also.


What course are you doing?
Also to help people need to see the problem.

General Q&A note
Help us all to help you.
Please give FULL screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
Also, include the lecture time and name/number that is relevant to the problem/issue.
The screenshot can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left hand side.
On that menu drop down is ‘save screenshot’.
Close ups additionally where they help.

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the name of the course is: Blender Character Creator for Video Games (Updated to 4.2) by Grant Abbitt.
Section 1, Lesson 13, around 3:50 the rendering menu on the right, is very different than my version. I don’t have those options to control the shadows on my character. may be the main reason I don’t have those shadows is my point light source the I previously explained what happened to it?


You are using “Viewport shading” mode?

  • Try to render de the scene (f12) and see if there are differences?
    “Viewport shading” mode has a simpler setting that the real render!

The “Outliner panel” does show all the objects (lights).

  • It can be so that the lamp has been switched off when rendered (camera icon must be active)
  • Turn off temporally the hdmi world setting (trying to, step by step, figuring out whats goes wrong)
  • Lights and other objects can be hidden (H-Key) ~ or the ‘/’-key, focus on that selected object only.
  • Lights and other object types can be switched off in the ‘selectabillity & visibility’ icon dropdown


show us the complete “Outliner panel”

As a beginner, do not wander off too much on the lessons. Trying things out, because you can …
Then often you select the wrong combinations and or hotkeys and get into trouble.


Have you got Scene Lights ticked?

Adding back the same type of light you deleted will work just the same as the deleted one.


Thank you so much. I appreciate your helpful response. I checked my render and I found the missing shadows in it, seems it is just not showing inside the Blender itself!


Thank you very much. yes it seems the problem is only in the preview that I see in the software. when I rendered the shadows were in the place they supposed to be.


Some shadows and reflections depend on the render method you use. Just out of curiosity, which one are you using?

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