Section 1 Lesson 11 Challenge - Cell-Shaded Manor

It took me a day, and though I still don’t feel it’s quite done… I just want to move on to the next section already xD so here’s what I did with my Section 1 Lesson 11 challenge! It’s a old-looking manor made of basic shapes :slight_smile:. Some of my outlines got away from me in my finished render, but I’ll be honest and say I don’t really know how to fix or control that yet >.>.

Here’s the YouTube tutorial I followed to get the “cell-shaded” effect in case anyone wants to apply the style to their own work: :smile_cat: It’s pretty easy, it’s a combination of the “Toon BSDF” material, “Freestyle” effect in the render tab, and some hard light from my sun!

As I can only post one picture (being a “new” user), here’s a finished render of it!

Here’s it un-rendered.


WOOOOW this is actually amazing!! WELL DONE!

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Much obliged :smiley: it was really fun to do! Glad you enjoy it :slight_smile:

Can’t wait to see what else the course has installed.

Right?? ohh its amazing! I’m loving this so far, and it’s nice to come home after work and spend a bit of time learning something each day, even if it’s only a couple little lessons a day, I still feel so much better about how I spent my time.

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