Section 1 Lecture 13 My first scene

here is a scene with part of my room (some boxes, table, plants)… I don’t know how to deal with leaves yet, hope I can add them later in the course. I hope you like it!
BTW, any idea what is happening with the light on the biggest flowerpot? Is that the light that bounced from the floor to the object?

Here are the renders


Best regards,


If you mean, the version of the Cycle, then my best guess is that you have a duplicated object.
Like Shift D but to forget to move it.

If you are using multiple lamps then it can show different shades of shadows. Based on reflections of all objects incl the floor.


Hey, you are right, it was duplicated object :grinning: now it renders correct.
I will keep that in mind for the future, thanks! :hugs:

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Nice gardening scene. Still winter, but those plants will get leaves in time!

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thanks, I run into another problem;

when zooming in to edit object elements the camera cuts them so it’s not possible to see everything correctly, and idea how to prevent this?

here is screenshot:

thanks in advance!

It is viewport clipping. That can be altered making both far and near distances wider. But you may not need to if you select the object and just press the full stop/point on the number pad. It centres the view on the object.

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