Section 1, Lecture 11 Challenge

Hi guys.
Well I went to town with lecture 11 challenge and built a castle! It took me 5 hours to make it which was nice since I thought that it would take me a lot longer. this is only a basic castle with hardly any details but since this is my very first project with blender I’m happy with it. I’ll make a better one in the future until then I’d love to hear any feedback you guys have and I hope that seeing this will show you a glimpse of what you can achieve with blender :smile:

Castle Capture 3


Here’s my entry, the first model is sticking to the letter of the challenge and creating the 3 objects and placing them, but I cannot resist having a play with what else I can do with primitives. I’ll post back later when I’ve eaten had a chance to play more.

That’s great and yes be sure to play round with what you can do with primitives because you can do a lot! It’s just basic shapes being manipulated that allow you to make amazing things! :slight_smile:

Wow. It is incredibly patient of you to put down all blocks. Great job!

Thank you! :smile:

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