here are two cycles renders i did of a soviet T-80 light tank, made mostly out of primitives with a bit of manual editing and other basic tools. I also made the model to 6mm scale (1:285) with the intention of printing it out and potentially using it for some sort of 6mm tabletop wargame. what do y’all think?
That’s awesome. It’s shows that you don’t really need advanced Blender tools to achieve great result!
Any previous 3d modelling experience?
Welcome the the community!
Very nice. For 3D printing, you did not need the colours.
At 6mm person height it is going to be tiny and so it is probably more than detailed enough.
yeah i mainly added the colours just for the sake of the render, and you’re probably right that the smaller details i added won’t really show up when printed to such a small scale, kinda got carried away a bit
only really have previous experience with Solidworks doing schematic drawings and things like that, so some of the skills have been helpful and transferable. Though it has also been kinda strange getting over the UI differences and using software that’s more focused on artistic intent than dimensional accuracy, has required a different sort of mind set when it comes to constructing your objects.
Been having a great time with the course so far though and really excited to learn more
Blender is not autocad… but with hard surface modelling I do sometimes switch my mind to more accurate thinking than artistic one. For example, it’s good when your bolts or plating or pipes (and overall everything :P) has accurate RL dimensions, esp. if you not only care about 1 render, but want to see your model in bigger scene or a game.
And that’s the most important thing!
i made a few changes to the model trying to make the smaller details more pronounced and simpler so that it would show better when printed to scale. then cut the model up into 4 seperate stls (left and right track, hull and turret) to make the print easier. sliced the stls using ultimaker cura and printed it out using my FDM Anet A8 Plus 3D printer, then glued the parts together. as predicted not all the details showed properly due to the scale. in hindsight the model i made would be more appropriate for say a 15mm scale miniature, plus the accuracy i can get is limited as i don’t have access to a more accurate resin SLA printer.
However i am still pretty happy with how it turned out especially for a first attempt and can’t wait to come up with more designs and learn how to improve my workflow and modelling techniques!
Well tried on a FDM printer, I assumed SLA, resin, when you said that scale.
unfortunately not, hoping to get a SLA printer at some point but don’t have the money atm, though I have been pleasantly surprised at the level of detail I’ve managed to achieve just with a FDM printer. did some more practice models before moving onto section two, including a soviet halftrack ZIS-41 and a low poly goblin also in the same scale and connected all the limbs of the goblin re-poseable by using series of parenting parts together. managed to print both of them out as well and while it’s not great quality print it is still legible I think. Anyway, onto section two for me

wops just went onto section two to realise its covering all the edit mode tools that I used heavily to make the truck and the goblin got ahead of myself a bit there, all good practice though.
wow! It’s really, really wicked. Well done you.
Nice vehicles.