Section 1 Final Challenge: Quick Mashup

I’m impatient (more fool me) and did a half job on each section so mashed a few things together. All using primitives and tips from Section 1.

No prior experience with 3D modelling :rofl: as you’ll see but overall happy with it for the time spent. Really enjoying the course and hopefully I’ll have time to revisit this idea as my knowledge and skill improves.

Thanks for the course!


Welcome to this site.

Great looking (miss) use of the poor well! Rocket silo cover!
You can always come back to develop this more after you have completed more of the course.
Good you have found the Blender Fun!


Thanks for the welcome and comment :+1:

I’m just starting section two of the course and I can already see how much easier some of what I was trying to do will become once I’ve learned more.

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