Section 1 Final Challenge - Medieval House Based On Concept Art

So, I may have bit off more than I probably should have, and this challenge took me way too long to complete, but I am finally somewhat satisfied with the result to share it on here.

This is a medieval house I have spent the past few days working on. Going forward I will be a little more mindful with what I choose to do for the upcoming challenges, as I feel I could have learned a lot of tools that would have sped up the process on this.

The biggest positive is probably the comfort I now have with navigation, duplication, rotation, as well as keeping things organized (LOTS of naming/renaming). Anyway, to anyone who happens to drop by, thank you for taking a look, and hopefully the next project won’t take as long!

Here is a link to the concept art piece of was referencing by jh pear: medieval house

Eevee Render:

Cycles Render:

Time to complete: About 13 Hours


It is best to do many small projects. But at the beginning of learning Blender, we all have images in our head to create as soon we can move our first vertex. You did a fine job! And yes with a better understanding of Blender you could do it better, smarter, easier, faster … But remember you can always go back to an old project and make improvements.

Do show your progress regularly, because problems can be pointed out earlier. Have fun!


Oh the inspiration art did interiors too! Lots more to engage with later. You did a good job with basic techniques.

Though the one thing I find weird it how so many think such short amounts of time are ‘long’. Perhaps it is a modern shortening of attention span they talk of. There are the same things posted about tutorials over about five mins being too long.

Fun fact, old barrels and other coopered items were ‘hooped’ with wood not metal mostly. Metal was expensive.

Edit, knew I researched that for some project item.


How about mine…


Welcome to this site.

Very colourful! Nice Steam engine.

Not a big problem but it is usual here to start your own topic for your own work showing.

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How can I start my own topic I don’t know exactly?

Select the ‘show’ section by the dropdown on the left hand side, then ‘new topic’ is in white text on the right hand side top area.

I said won’t take as long, but I think what I meant to say is that I could have learned a lot more tools to improve workflow by spending shorter bursts of time on the lessons. As someone who has finished traditional art school, I am well acquainted with projects taking two or more work weeks to finish. I’m actually really excited to spend MORE time on future projects, but after I have a larger arsenal of tools to work with.

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Very nicely done!

13h is not much as NP5 said. Especially for such a rich scene. Plus I would say by the outcome, that time was well invested! :slight_smile:

Tools come and go, fundamentals are here to stay. Understanding basics like color/perspective/composition/lighting are much more important. Which you showed in the scene quite well, especially on the stage in the course.


You know what, you are right, I guess I was too eager to dismiss that the basics are just as important, thank you for reminding me. :slightly_smiling_face:

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