Section 1 Final Challenge - Hell Manor

I feel like I got carried away with the challenge but I’m happy with how it turned out and had a lot of fun putting it together.


Looks awesome!


Absolutely love it! Really cool you used your well, too!

Random thought - the round roofs are a bit difficult to tell apart from the trees.

So many cool details - flowers in the windows, red light from the well - very very nice! Keep up the good work ^^


Nice whole scene, popped the well in there too!


I agree! I’m also not a fan of the stone pillars next to the front door. Seems far too candy cane if you know what I mean.

I also feel the bushes have too much detail for this scene and distract from the overall image. I should’ve made them a lot simpler in form.

I could spend another week working on the scene but it’s time to move on to the next section. Thanks for the kind comments everyone.

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Awesome scene!
You put your well in there too.Cool.
And i love the light coming through the well and inside the house.
Great job!!
Maybe I will borrow your idea of putting my well in my next scene :wink:


This is a fantastic work. So detailed, I love it. Thank you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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