Section 1 Final Challenge - A strange fountain in the forest

I’ve not used Blender before I took up this course and up until this exercise, I’ve been following the instructor’s examples. This is my first own creation :slight_smile:

I used the three-point lighting technique taught in the course plus two additional lights; one at the top of the fountain and one in front of the moon. I wanted the light at the top of the fountain to shine brighter than this, but I could not get it right. When the light was very bright the monkey faces below it seemed overblown (white in colour). I should experiment more with lighting.


Really nice scene, fine lighting too.
But it is not forbidden to use more light or multiple suns :wink:
Lighting is difficult. But three-point lighting a common technique to light on a subject.
While an open scene like this is more for a sun type of light.


Thanks! I’ll try using a sun type of light. :slight_smile:

Nice Scene…

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