Section 01 - Final Challenge - Orca Whales

Hello everyone,

Total newbie at Blender and I can see how you can get in too deep.
Did an orca with primitives, then duplicated, scaled one of them for the baby orca, and rotated some others. Set World color to look as if under water and put the lighting as a sun to try to reflect some shadows.

Can’t wait to see how I can get better at this. Any tips or constructive criticism appreciated.


You use spheres, but using Meta balls will merge them magically.

Also, right click a sphere object (as selected), then a popup menu shows, select ‘smooth’.

have fun. Don’t make it too hard for your self, follow the course. Do the challenges, show us your progress,

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Welcome to this site.

Very recognisable animal. Nicely done only from primitive shapes.

Keep going through the course and get new abilities, you have a good feel for making a scene clearly.

Tempting though it is do not spend too much time trying to do things not taught yet. Blender only gets more immersive the more you know how to use it!

Those are great!

I love them they’re adorable <3

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