Second door added is not working properly

After “Iterating over a Tarray” I added another room to the existing one and added a second door inside it.
This door for some reason seems to be open before i step into the Triggervolume and closes when I am not, which is the opposite of what the first door does.

My suspicion is that this is due to the initial rotation of the door.
Can someone please help me out?

Thanks in advance!
I am using Unreal 4.22 and Visual Studio Community 2019.

A video illustrating the problem:

You are 100% correct. Ben solves this issue in “Using Variables in Blueprint”. Though I believe you can figure it out :wink:.

Hint if you need it:

What if you store the initial rotation? What could you do from there?

Much thanks for the response!
I am trying to see how to store an initial rotation.

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