Scuplting draw sharp brush isnt working

The draw sharp brush seems to be erasing my mesh instead of lighly grazing my mesh. Any ideas why it is giving me issues?

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How is the scale of your figure? (The block model).
And lower the Strength (0.5 is 50% and can be a lot).

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Lowered strength still no dice ughhhh haha

Maybe it is just me, and I am not doing this orc course, but you seem to have very little geometry to sculpt with, which might be why the sharp is not doing anything. Especially as it can’t create suitable geometry with dynotopo off.

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What is weird is that i can sculpt the biceps and shoulder but nothing else

I would remake the blocks to be honest as something is off here as you have dynotop on so unless you are holding shift whilst sculpting it should be adding geometry not removing it.
Let me know on this and it maybe check back and see if Grant is using lock object modes and you arent as it might be your selection


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